Wingit Case Study #2 - Business
Businesses, especially those with smaller staff teams, need to fully focus on their specialists skills, driving success and profitability without being distracted by the periphery, but necessary, tasks such as websites and design needs. That’s why it makes sense to outsource.
The Client - Ricosta Capital
Ricosta Capital create financial choices for successful businesses. They are a small, focussed team of professionals with a wealth of experience in the financial industries. Having recently rebranded their business they are looking to a strong future, securing finance deals for their clients. They work closely with a communications/marketing consultant, a client relationship manager and Wingit Creative for their creative output.
The Need
Ricosta Capital initially needed someone to work with their team to manage their existing website. As Ricosta Capital has grown in strength as a business, Wingit Creative’s input has evolved with their business needs, now being active a number of areas to help with their marketing.
How Wingit Creative has helped
Wingit started working with Ricosta Capital by firstly managing, then overhauling their existing website following a business rebrand. This was followed by a complete redesign of their website as their business refined their services. We attend monthly marketing meetings with their business team, inputting on ideas and actioning tasks as needed. This has involved the following:
Marketing Videos
As part of Ricosta Capital’s marketing strategy they have sought to communicate industry knowledge and expertise through a number of video series that have been distributed through their YouTube channel and social media.
Wingit Creative have travelled on location to produce, film and edit these videos in addition to working with recorded Zoom calls of interviews. Here are some examples of the videos produced.
Website & Email Campaigns
We’ve recently launched a newly designed website for Ricosta Capital, streamlining their content, providing a fresh confident look and a feel that gives proper focus to their newly identified business streams. In conjunction with this, we also manage their email campaigns through Mailchimp which is a key element in them staying in touch with current and future clients.
Team Meetings
Attending monthly marketing meetings with the whole team at Ricosta Capital helps Wingit Creative keep closely connected to the direction of the business and what needs are arising that we can help with. This means that Wingit is not just an external resource but an active member of the team helping to drive the business forward.
Contact Wingit Creative today to see how we can help: