Did you know…
It takes about 50 milliseconds (ms) (that's 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they'll stay or leave.
We focus on churches, charities and small businesses and we understand that your budgets might be squeezed and your staffing might be light.
That’s why we deliver affordable, easy to manage websites that work for you.
You’re not dealing with a large agency or a faceless company, but a friendly, available creative, working to find the right solutions for you.
We don’t list our prices here, as we want to understand your needs as a client first, however sites can start from £250 plus hosting costs.
Your organisation isn’t a cookie cutter item out of a catalogue - you need a bespoke solution that best fits your mission and purpose.
Let’s have a no pressure chat and discuss your project and see if we can find the right website for you.
Wingit Creative is Squarespace Circle Member, a program designed to support, inspire, and engage a community of creatives who use Squarespace to build beautiful websites.
The process
First of all we’ll chat to you about your needs. Tell us about websites you’ve seen that you like, what your design and branding styles are and what features are required.
We’ll draw up a proposal and quote for you and discuss the timelines for delivery.
We can help you find a domain name if you haven’t got one, or use one that you already own. We’ll cover all the bases, through to completion, and stay in contact with you throughout.
If you need help with graphics and photography, we can help there too.
Once completed, we can provide you with some training on how to use your new website or you can choose us to continue to provide updates and edits for you. A website is a constantly evolving and changing entity and regular updates are essential in ensuring it never goes out of date, so why not leave it in our safe hands to do this for you?
Check out some of our previous projects below.